Monday, May 08, 2006

Beer Ad with Terrific Trebuchet

Here's an Australian beer ad that is well worth watching. The highlight is the great catapult (it's a trebuchet actually) action and the way the hurling synchs up with the march from the Great Escape. Very well done.

While I'm on the subject of Australian beer ads, here's a link to the REAALY BIG AD, from Carlton, which is very clever as well. Fans of Orff's Carmina Burana will be doubly impressed


  1. Anonymous11:04 PM

    I can't get either link to work, but I googled for the love of beer and found the ad. Brilliant!

    The Carlton ad / is also great.


  2. I;d think you of all people would take this opportunity to use Trebuchet, the font. Or do you get that all the time?

  3. Anonymous6:40 AM

    Hey! The Trebuchet from that ad is now for sale on eBay! Go to and search for trebuchet and you'll see it there! Wow!

  4. Anonymous6:02 AM

    If you look at the dear's face on the Tooheys New label you will see a subliminaly imbeded SEX across its face.The E is right next to the nostril (easy enough to see)the X is the dark part that forms a cross in the inner right ear and the S is the ear on the left.So the S snd E are light and the X is dark.Take a look.
