Thursday, March 16, 2006

Skyaak - Canada's Answer to the Frisbee

Because I am a writer, I get to appear on national TV and radio every once in a while. Last month I did an interview with Radio Canada about Adventures from the Technology Underground. Fairly often, people contact me with questions and comments afterwards.

A Canadian inventor named Michael Robert Gaudet came up with something called the Skyaak, which is something you toss around to your buddies for fun. He sent me a couple after hearing me on the radio and I have to say, they are incredibly cool. It's sort of like a pole shaped frisbee. There are two conical surfaces on either side of a plastic pole. The conical surfaces act as wings and provide interesting aerodynamic properties to the thing as a whole.

I took one to the gym last night and threw it around between basketball games. It was a hit! I've not met Mr. Gaudet and have no financial interest in his product, but I do think it's very neat. I think it has more cachet than your regular old frisbee. Google skyaak if you're interested.


Milan said...

The history page is quite strange.

Anonymous said...

wow, that is really cool, i wish i could buy one but i really don't have the money for that being with no job and no allowance

Unknown said...

John, you can download and make a skyaak deuce (the diy papercraft version) for $2.00 and download it straight away (you've got $2.00 don't ya?)

It's a lot of fun, and the papercraft version works great indoors.